Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This morning Emmy and I put rain boots on and tromped around a nearby pond to feed the geese. While I was defending ourselves from a huge, violent goose who has lived in that pond for as long as I can remember (even surviving being shot by a b.b. gun by my brother), I started thinking about my last post. I realized I hadn't fully said what I wanted to say. Please consider this my addendum:

I know that many of you who read this blog face something difficult. Read through this list. Do any of these troubles hit home?

Losing a home
Caring for your young children alone while your husband is busy with church callings or away
Death of a child or children
Living where you surrounded by violence and hatred
Death of a spouse
Infidelity of a spouse*
Raising a step-child

I think we can all relate to at least one of the above. I believe that facing any one of those things would be hard. But what amazes me is that Emma Smith endured all of these things during her lifetime while remaining faithful and true. Emma was a strong, strong woman who knows what it is like to be in our shoes. She has shown us that it is possible to endure and overcome hard things without becoming bitter and without deserting our faith.

*It was Emma's second husband not Joseph Smith who had an affair

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